One of the major objectives of the construction of a MORBAK is to master all the theoretical and technical aspects, however to achieve this outcome, each player will have had a unique learning experience coupled with his own emotions.
Educationally, the project was optimized for 13-15 year old school students, supervised by a professor of physics and / or information technology. Teachers and students can take ownership of the project based on a detailed construction tutorial, theoretical and practices activities.
The construction of a MORBAK is open to everyone both young or adult! From the age of 10 , a child accompanied by a « handyman » adult can cut and strip electrical wire, punch plate pcb, solder electronic components … and so develop many qualities: patience, precision, thoroughness , dexterity …
The completion of the construction of a MORBAK undoubtedly brings a flood of joy, pride and personal satisfaction.
Given that the package contains all the electrical and electronic components required for the construction of the game but not the wood (or plastic) for the realization of the case, do not panic, the recommended medium wood is purchased in any DIY store for a few euros.
The package is supplied not an assembly kit but as a construction kit. The realization requires several tools.
A very wide choice of colors for LEDs and switches, and a personalization of the box, make every single MORBAK unique!
After validation of picture / video, a certificate of authenticity will be issued for each completed game.

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