Morbak and Connect 4 have two things in common, both are mind games and have the same purpose: line up four consecutive squares of the same color on a chessboard, horizontally, vertically [...]
MORBAK is primarily a set of rules: players adhere to a set of obligations and agreements. It takes two to tango, so as a board game. Luck plays no role in MORBAK, the game is based [...]
For three days, the many visitors to the stand were able to discover this multiplayer game in its online version and electronic board. The RASTA MORBAK prototype made by Ludivine, William and [...]
As the construction of a MORBAK electronic board is not easily accessible to the general public, it was natural to democratize the game, to develop a digital version obviously with identical [...]
A multiplayer puzzle game and electronic boardgame! MORBAK is the fruit of an educational project masterminded in a middle school in the French Island of Reunion. In a few years, this [...]